Youth Artists working on "Huma Bird" painting.

Youth artists working on the "Huma Bird" painting that is permanently installed inside the Youth Transition Campus in Kearny Mesa, San Diego.


Combat Arts San Diego is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides weekly art classes, workshops, museum tours, art exhibitions, and public art opportunities for system-engaged youth, K-12 students, and veterans. In 2022, we launched “Art Made Eazy”, a virtual art platform for students enrolled in after- school programming, independent study, and home schooling. Please click on “Art Made Eazy” on the toolbar to learn more.

By making, viewing, and exhibiting art, youth and veterans experience increases in self-confidence, community engagement, and self-expression, as well as reductions in physical pain, anxiety, and depression. Creating visual art makes it possible for participants to communicate with pictures what is difficult to put into words. 

We directly serve youth incarcerated inside juvenile detention facilities, teens on probation, at-promise youth enrolled in programming with our community partners, and in K-12 public and private schools. We reach injured active-duty service members and veterans within Department of Defense and Veteran’s Administration residential treatment facilities.  

Combat Arts recognizes that successful transition off the figurative and literal battlefield requires collaboration and partnerships with other nonprofit agencies and institutions. We contract with the Timken Museum of Art San Diego, San Diego County Office of Education, Children’s Initiative, South Bay Community Services, Navy Medical Hospital San Diego, Veterans Administration, So Say We All, Veteran Art Project, and other like-minded organizations.

Founder and artist, Elizabeth Washburn, has been working with at-promise and system-engaged youth and combat veterans transitioning back to life outside of the war zone since 2003 and 2007 respectively. In addition, she exhibits her personal work in galleries and museums, holds a Masters in Fine Art, and has been teaching art to diverse populations of students ranging from inner city youth, college students, to seniors for the past 20 years.

You can see her art at